Benefits of drip irrigation

- More land can be irrigated efficiently with less water; therefore it reduces irrigation and labor costs due to savings on water use and enabling of irrigation of big lands with fewer workers.
- Maximum benefit is achieved in places where irrigation water is limited.

- Planting area increases, because there is no need for ditches when using drip irrigation.

- Soluble fertilizers can be applied to plants with irrigation more economically without the need of labor.

- All plants in the land are irrigated and fertilized equally, so the plants show homogenous growth.

- Growing period of the plant shortens and earlier ripening happens due to regular irrigation and use of fertilizers and pesticides. Periodicity decreases or ends totally.

- Plant can absorb the water from soil without consuming much energy because the moisture environment which the plant needs is created, and this factor enables the plant to be more productive and give more yields.

- Weed growth on the land is prevented because only the root of the plant is irrigated; therefore there is no weed growth, so mechanical and chemical weeding expenses decreases. Moreover, development of plant diseases is prevented because plant parts above the ground are not irrigated.

- Duff layer is prevented so the incident of the plant not being able to rise to surface of the soil is eliminated, and desertification of soil is avoided.

- Irrigation can be done in slopped lands without causing soil erosion.